The configuration file
Below are the contents of the isdnserver configuration file, located in /etc/isdnserver.config
The comments, the text after an '#', should be explanatory enough to correctly configure
<isdnserver-config version="0.7b"> # DON'T CHANGE THIS!
# insert in between the <clients allowed>...</clients allowed> tags, the IP numbers
# which are allowed to log onto isdnserver. Separate the different IP numbers
# with a carriage return.
# Following formats are allowed:
# *.*.*.* (everyone can log onto isdnserver)
# 191.*.*.* (everyone belonging to the network number 191 is allowed, you can change it to whatever number you need.)
# 191.40.*.*
# 191.40.239.*
# (only the client/workstation with this IP is allowed.)
# IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're running in localmode the entries won't have any effect.
<clients allowed>
</clients allowed>
# insert the values that fit your country and provider below
<price unit>
</price unit>
# change the ports isdnserver uses, if needed. Don't forget to remove the # character if you do so
<command> # The port where commands are sent to
# 4950 default
<data> # IO port for binary data
# 4951 default
# The amount of channels your ISDN configuration has (usually 2 channels, 3 MSN).
# change the path to the ISDN device (default /dev/isdnctrl) and/or the one
# that is monitoring the D-Channel if any (refer to i4l-faq, chapter 24.7,
# for further instructions), separate them with "|" (alt Gr+1) or (alt Gr+7)
# on swiss keyboards.
# You can insert several paths in order to monitor different cards, separate
# the different "cards" with a carriage return.
<device path>
# etc...
</device path>
# change the path to the device or file you want the output to be redirected in
# while running isdnserver in "quiet mode" (default is /dev/null)
<quiet path>
</quiet path>
# change the colours according to your gusto, use following values:
# black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, grey (if you want to change
# the background colour just add back to the colour name, e.g. redback)
# Following attributes are available: bold, blink, reverse
<i-element colour>
</i-element colour>
<message colour>
</message colour>
<hex colour>
</hex colour>
<error colour>
</error colour>
<jorge> # change the user name to what you need, don't forget the to change the closing tag as well
2342323 # change the msn for this user
on # not supported, yet, I don't have a full duplex card ;)
</jorge> # the closing tag has to contain the same user name as entered in the opening tag
# <guest> # This is a special user, if you uncomment it, EVERYONE will be able to
# <msn> # log on to isdnserver, so only use it if you're too lazy or in a secured
# 3901615 # network
# </msn>
# <telephony>
# on
# </telephony>
# </guest>
# enter more users here (if needed)
# if you don't need any voice boxes, comment out the following group
<voice box>
<3901615> # change the msn for this voice box
<spooldir> /var/spool/isdnserver/jorge </spooldir> # The dir for the voice box and its files
<message> standard.msg </message> # The name of the file that contains your voice box message
<beep> beep.msg </beep> # The "beep" tone after the message has been played
<rings> 5 </rings> # Rings to wait until the voice box responds
<duration> 30 </duration> # Maximum duration of a voice message in seconds
# enter more voice boxes here ( if needed )
</voice box>
In order to use the voice box functionality, you must create the directory you reference
between the <spooldir> ... <spooldir> tags. This directory has to be accesible for
the daemon
user and group (type man chown or man chgrp
in your
console to know more about changing permissions on files and directories).
In the directory you've created, you must create two more directories: /messages
. In the messages directory you copy the message that will be played
when someone calls. If you use VBOX, you can just copy it to the /messages
directory and it will be played. If you don't have any message, call yourself and speak it
through the phone. When finished, you can copy it from the /incoming
to the /message
directory. And reference it the <message> ...
</message> tag
After configuring isdnserver you can go on with the voice box installation and configuration, if you want to use isdnserver as an answering machine
or with usage.
copyright 2003 Jorge Windmeisser Oliver